
Teams that SUCCEED aren’t built on ‘HAIL MARY’S’

Moneyball: The Art of Winning an Unfair Game

Baseball has always been a game of statistics, but sabermetrics posits that traditional measures like batting average and runs batted in are of limited use in predicting whether a player can actually help win ball games.

— William C. Symonds

sa·ber·met·rics | \ ˌsā-bər-ˈme-triks  \

Definition: detailed statistical analysis of baseball data (as for the purposes of evaluating player performance and developing playing strategies)


Like Sabermetrics are used in baseball,

let us introduce you to our unique strategic recruiting technology.

Billy Beane, the baseball general manager whose story was the subject of Michael Lewis’ bestselling book Moneyball: The Art of Winning an Unfair Game and who was portrayed by Brad Pitt in the film adaptation, is no stranger to algorithms. Read about taking a more strategic approach to how talent optimization can enhance your hiring practices and formulate a plan for structuring a winning team.



We get to know your company culture, goals, and seek to understand the challenges you are facing.  Together – we dive into your current job description and nail down a specific skill-set identified by our unique technology. We establish a profile target that will identify the right talent and help enhance your job description so that we attract the appropriate candidates. When we present someone to you, they are already worth every minute of your time.



We source talent many different ways to include: Engaging passive candidates, leveraging our unique networked relationships and groups, strategic ad placement, and our vast recruiter network across the nation.  Our recruiters have decades of experience and use all of the newest technology available.


Pre-Screen and Behavioral Assessment

Detailed phone and zoom screening to understand the applicants career path, goals and fit for the position. If applicants pass this step, then we move on to having them take an assessment and compare it to our Job Target we created in Step 1.


Job Target Alignment and Presentation

Potential Candidates are analyzed for Job Target alignment. We use technology to map out the candidate’s unique strengths and weaknesses vs. the identified target profile we mapped out. Based on thorough vetting through interview conversations and understanding the candidate assessment as it relates to the job description, candidates will be recommended to the client for consideration. All candidates have a vetting summary attached with their resume. 


Interview and Offer

A specific interview guide will be provided to you based on the candidate assessment vs. the job description target. This interview guide is designed to confirm alignment and also uncover any potential challenges. When you are ready to make an offer, we are happy to present it to the candidate and complete any determined onboarding specifics.